Club Brugge <strong>Legends</strong>

Club Brugge Legends

Wij are the Club Brugge Legends!

At Club Brugge, we believe that sport and exercise is important for people of all ages and backgrounds. That is why we have developed our own walking football programme, focusing on the health and well-being of older people.

With specially developed training programmes and adapted game rules, we ensure that older people stay vital for longer and enjoy the game of football. Besides the physical benefits, we also attach great importance to the social development of our Legends. They meet new people, make new memories and, above all, have a lot of fun together on the pitch. Welcome to the Club Brugge Legends!

What is walking football or walking soccer?

Walking football is a form of football specially designed for older people or people with disabilities who would still like to stay active in the game. Walking football, as the name suggests, involves walking instead of running. This makes the game less intensive and therefore more accessible to this target group. It is played on a small pitch and there are adapted rules, such as no tackles and no offside. Walking football is not only good for physical health, but also for social interaction and enjoyment of the game.